Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Dhyan Chand and Hitler

After India defeated Germany 8-1 in 1936 Berlin Olympic, Hitler expressed his desire to meet Dhyan Chand. When Dhyan Chand came to know about this, he was numb with fear as he had heard about Adolf Hitler.

This conversation took place:

Hitler (while casting a glance at the sub-standard canvas shoes of Dhyan Chand): “what else do you do, when not playing hockey ?”

Dhyan Chand: ”I am in the Indian Army.”

Hitler: ”What is your rank?”

Dhyan Chand: ”I am Lance Nayak.”

Hitler: ”Come over to Germany. I will make you a Field Marshal.”

(Dhyan Chand couldn’t understand what happened in a fleeting second. he was confused if this was a command or a request).

Dhyan Chand: ”India is my country and I am fine there.”

Hitler: ”As you like it.”

Did you notice how he politely declined the offer? This just goes on to say that he was an incredible and revered player, but he never compromised on his beliefs and his love for India.

You were truly a Hockey wizard, Major Dhyan Chand. May you rest in peace.

Today is his birth Anniversary.

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